Removes two sides of logs, cants, and slabs.
TVS (Twin Vertical Saw) handal untuk memotong dua sisi kayu bulat, kayu kotak dan sisa irisan kayu (slab) dalam line pemrosesan.
  • Lower Labour Requirements
  • Efficient Timber Handling
  • Feed Speed 0-25 m per minute
  • Three Infeed Options for Different Material
Deskripsi TVS Twin Vertical Saw

The TVS (Twin Vertical Saw) uses thin-kerf blades to efficiently remove the two vertical sides of logs up to 400mm in diameter.

The TVS is cost-effective, versatile, designed for high performance, and built strong for years of reliable service. The TVS works equally well as a stand-alone unit or integrated with an existing sawmill line.

A movable control stand holds all controls for chain feed speed, cut width, laser activation, and optional Setworks. The Setworks stores five different pre-set widths, which enable the operator to change cut sizes quickly depending on log size, reducing the need to sort logs first.

Various feed system configurations make the TVS one of the most flexible solutions for removing two sides of straight logs, curved logs, logs with a flat surface, and slabs from 0-25m per minute.

Feed Chains for round logs

  • The V feed system advances logs one at a time through the TVS. Spiked hold-downs guide the log. The lug spacing can be moved to suit the standard log lengths. This is a good option for straight logs with standard lengths. 
  • The spiky chain feed system with heavy, spiked top-rollers adds greater stability to the log as it goes through the TVS. Logs can be loaded onto the feed chain with little or no gap between them. This option is ideal for increasing productivity with straight and curved logs. The outfeed bed has three options for slabs handling. 
    • Side Disks – pneumatically operated side arms that hold the side board against the log until it reaches the desired drop zone. The arms open and release the two side boards together.
    • Side Rollers – spiral rollers are fitted along both sides of the outfeed bed, and as the log gets sawn the side boards fall onto the side rollers and gradually get moved outwards until they fall onto the cross transfer table. 
    • Economy Version – This bed has no spiral rollers or side disks, and the side boards fall directly onto a cross transfer conveyor. 

Feed Chains for timber which already has a flat side

  • Cant processing - For squaring up timber which already has two flat cut surfaces, a flat feed chain is available with heavy, spiked top-rollers. This is commonly used when two TVS units are used in line together. 
  • Slab edging - Another popular use for the TVS is for the slab recovery line. Large slabs can be put through the TVS and then fed down to a resaw or multi head resaw.

The TVS (Twin Vertical Saw) menggunakan pisau garitan tipis untuk secara efisien melepaskan dua sisi vertikal kayu gelondongan dengan diameter hingga 400mm.

TVS hemat biaya, serbaguna, dirancang untuk kinerja tinggi, dan dibuat kokoh untuk layanan andal selama bertahun-tahun. TVS bekerja sama baiknya sebagai unit yang berdiri sendiri atau terintegrasi dengan jalur penggergajian yang ada. Berbagai konfigurasi sistem umpan menjadikan TVS salah satu solusi paling fleksibel untuk menghilangkan dua sisi balok lurus, balok melengkung, balok dengan permukaan datar, dan pinggiran kulit kayu dari 0-25m per menit

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Informasi lebih lanjut TVS Twin Vertical Saw
Informasi lebih lanjut
Pilihan Power
Pilihan Power 2 x 11 kW Listrik
2 x 7.5 kW Listrik
Panjang Gergaji 4,670mm
Diameter Roda Gergaji 600mm
Tipe Roda Gergaji Belted Cast Steel
Lebar Gergaji 32-38 mm
Kapasitas potong
Diameter Log minimum 10cm
Panjang log minimum 0.9m
panjang kayu maksimum 3.6m
minimum lebar potong 70 mm (2.75")
Lebar Potong Maksimum 25cm
dimensi mesin dan persyaratan
Diameter Port Sawdust Collection 150mm
mendapatkan penawaran TVS Twin Vertical Saw
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