Mesin gergaji vertical kembar yang efisien dan merupakan mesin dasar untuk memproses kayu bulat berdiameter kecil hingga sedang, untuk ukuran panjang sampai 4m menjadi kayu balok dua sisi.
The TITAN TV2000 is our efficient and basic twin vertical saw for small to medium diameter logs up to 4m in length. It is designed to break the log into a two-sided cant.
It is available with or without log turning functionality. The automated log loader allows for each log to be rotated to an optimal position and then placed onto the moving spiky feed chain.
The log is guided by pressure feed rollers, giving it maximum stability in the cut. The operator may select the desired cutting size and the machine will automatically adjust to that size, removing the need to sort logs before sawing. Investing in log sorting capability increases log throughput.
The TITAN TV2000 is ideal for pallet mill and stud mill operations, where the product has relatively small cross-sectional dimensions.
The TITAN TV2000 adalah gergaji vertikal kembar kami yang efisien dan dasar untuk kayu bulat berdiameter kecil hingga sedang hingga panjang 4m. Ini dirancang untuk memecah log menjadi balok kayu dua sisi.
Ini tersedia dengan atau tanpa fungsi pembalik log. Pemuat log otomatis memungkinkan setiap log diputar ke posisi optimal dan kemudian ditempatkan ke rantai umpan runcing yang bergerak
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Informasi lebih lanjutTV2000 Twin Vertical Saw
Informasi lebih lanjut
2 x 22 kW Electric 2 x 30 kW Electric (Optional)
Kapasitas potong
diameter kayu maksimum
400 mm
Diameter Log minimum
100 mm
panjang kayu maksimum
3.6 m
Min. Log Length
1.2 m
lebar kayu maksimum potong
250 mm
minimum lebar potong
80 mm
Head Features dan opsi
Head Adjustment
Manual Ball Screw Servo Motor (Optional)
Sistem Lubrikasi gergaji
Sistem Blade Tension
Hold-Downs Type
Heavy Hold-Dows Rollers
Laser Sight Set of Additional Rollers
Panjang Gergaji
4670 mm
63-75 mm
Roda gergaji
Diameter Roda Gergaji
780 mm
Material Roda Gergaji
Cast Steel
Feed System
Feed Speed
0-20 m/min
Spiky Chain
feature vertical saw dan opsi
Diameter Port Sawdust Collection
Log Deck Slab Transfer Deck Log Turner Extended outfeed with pneumatic kicker
9.42-12.52 m
2 m
2.15 m
mendapatkan penawaranTV2000 Twin Vertical Saw
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